
Do you eat up dating articles like I do? I mean, I’m not going to lie, I have spent many a late night sitting up in bed, pillows propped up, in the darkness, cat at my feet (yes, single lady with a cat), reading dating articles on my phone in the hopes it would help me figure out the latest man I was dating.

Because honestly, I had no idea. I just couldn’t seem to get it right. Can you say ghosted much? Can you say guys telling me straight out I was awkward much? Can you say overtexter MUCH?

And while I did get some worthy information from Glamour and other mags (sifting the wheat from the chaff), it wasn’t until I walked through dating hand in hand with Jesus that I learned the greatest lessons of healthy relationships and of my own worth and value.

This blog is a place to share with you the things Jesus has taught me about His love, dating, self-worth, and other wonderful things (that haven’t always come easy!). And you can share with me too! And it’s better we put it here than in texts to our Prince Charmings, right?

Little Backstory

So here’s the thing. I’ve learned SO MUCH in the past few years of intentional dating “with” Jesus. No, not “dating Jesus”—cause no offense, but Jesus knows I want to date a flesh-and-blood man—but “dating with Jesus.” Having Him as a sort of wingman, guiding me each step. Much better than Glamour or Cosmopolitan, where I used to get most of my dating advice!

Let’s say, though, that even when I dated again and again guys of different faiths, guys who thought I was a little “too religious,” guys who didn’t truly “get” me, I still talked with God in the depth of my heart, often late at night when I couldn’t sleep and was pondering my path, and I was still—though I thought far away from Him—“with” God.

There’s a song I’m working on, about how I thought for so long that God was like the Huntsman in Snow White, out to kill, steal, and destroy—well, that’s a little extreme, but I did think that God couldn’t possibly use me, that my choices, my compromises made me a fake Christian, a hypocrite. So I stayed away from church, away from friends who were living more “model-Christian” lives. But I have a friend, Amanda, who would post all these encouraging Christian posts on Facebook, and they were a church to me.

And after my last long-term relationship, which ended in hurricane heartbreak, I resolved to not waste any more time, and so I took God’s hand. And instead of ripping out my heart as the Huntsman in Snow White was supposed to, He restored my heart and led me out of the woods of pain and unequally yoked dating. Step by step, He has taken me on a journey toward not only healthy dating but also love for myself and a deepened relationship with Him.


Please know my intention is not to air dirty laundry or divulge personal details of those I’ve dated. The purpose of this blog is to encourage and share some things I’ve learned plus fun stuff (quotes, date ideas, etc.).

I’m finally in a wonderful, healthy, God-centered relationship with a man who truly “gets” me, and it’s wonderful! He and I are amazed by how much on the same page we are, and not only do we pray together but we also laugh together. He even brings me flowers and cooks for me. Swoon! But even if things don’t work out (and babe, if you’re reading this, you know I want them to!), I have come this far to know, with a deep understanding, that Jesus is always with me, and I am never letting go of His hand. He is my constant, my boyfriend’s constant, and your constant. He is always there on our path; He will never forsake you nor leave you. He knows every hair on your head, and He loves you enough that He died for you.

Love and hugs and virtual mugs of coffee or tea (whichever you prefer)…
